2022 September (9月) Lloyd's column

Summer weather
I don’t know about you but I felt that we had quite a cool summer compared to usual.
Definitely we had some hot days but not too hot. Summer also felt quite short this year.
But in the UK and Europe they had some crazy weather!
The Met Office (the British weather agency) issued its most severe weather warning in August, as temperatures rose above 40 degrees for the first time in British history.
There were electric shortages because people wanted more power for fans and coolers. Airports canceled flights because runways melted.
Many trains were cancelled because the rail tracks bent in the heat.
The National Health Service saw a spike in patients suffering from the heat.
Supermarkets sold a record number of ice creams and alcohol.
Then recently, after the heatwave there has been very heavy rain and floods!!
Early this year I read that it was going to be the hottest year for earth because of a weather pattern called ‘a triple dip La Nina’, looks like it was right.
It also said that winter will be very cold with tons of snow!!
Time to wax the snowboard and start preparing!!
さー、ボードにワックスを塗って準備を始める時だ!! ロイド
*see a spike in ~ : ~の一時的な急増
*La Nina : 海水温が低下して洪水や干ばつをもたらす現象
*a triple dip La Nina : 太平洋赤道域の日付変更線付近から南米沿岸にかけて海面水温が平年より低い状態が続く「ラニーニャ現象」の影響により、オーストラリア東部で大規模な洪水が発生。気候学者はラニーニャ現象が「3年は続くだろう」と予測。2022年時点で発生しているラニーニャ現象は2020年9月頃から続いている。