2022 May(5月) Lloyd's column

Spring is D.I.Y season
At my house when the snow clears the spring work starts!
This year’s first DIY project was to convert(改装する・改築する) an old chicken shed(小屋) into a log(薪) storage(倉庫) shed. The old chicken shed is around 12 meters long(縦) and 4 meters wide(横), a pretty(かなり) big shed.
In front was a ton of(たくさんの) old metal fencing(柵) that I had to remove first and a wall the fence was connected too. Cutting metal is definitely not my specialty(得意な事) though I have done it before when I lived in Australia. Luckily I had remembered the skills I was taught. After that was breaking out the wall. Resizing(サイズを変更する) the old doors to make larger entrances, moving and reconnecting support beams(梁), making new doors. Then inside was a lot of cleaning and renovation, again wood beams to move and more walls to cut out to make the rooms bigger. I am fortunate to have worked on many different building projects over the years and with many skilled workers. Because of this I have a lot of experience to be able to do these DIY jobs as Do It Yourself and not Destroy It Yourself! And without sounding like I’m tooting my own horn(自我自賛) I’m pretty good at it 😉 Lloyd
そのたくさんの経験のおかげでこれらの大工仕事を、“それを破壊する”の意味の“Destroy It Yourself”ではなく“自分でする”、の“Do It Yourself”で出来るんだ。
自画自賛してるように聞こえないと良いけど、「DIY」結構、得意なんだよ。 ロイド